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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about Medical Grade Treatments

Why the mystery?

We agree our communication sounds a bit vague!
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has recently changed the way we advertise treatments that use prescription-only substances. We are forbidden from mentioning these substances by name, as well as the techniques used to administer them and their cost.
We can, however, advertise that we provide consultation for specific skin goals, and chat to you one-to-one – either over the phone, or via direct messages or email.

What does this mean for my treatment?

Nothing! These restrictions are focused on advertising.
As always, your appointment will consist of consultation and appropriate treatment, based on
your goals and expectations.

How can I book?

Head to the booking form on our website and select a 'Medical Grade Treatment Consultation.' 

A $50 consultation fee applies that is fully redeemable against your Medical Grade Treatment.
You can book a free 15-minute Skin Consultation at any time, however, this may not be enough time to fully discuss Medical-Grade treatments.

What will my consultation be like?

Prior to your booked consultation, you’ll be required to complete our pre-screen consultation form.
Then during your consultation, we’ll speak about your skin concerns and goals, and discuss treatment options. These options will take into account your desired outcomes, budget and preferred treatments. Expected side effects and management will be discussed also.
If your chosen treatment includes a Medical Grade Treatment requiring a prescription-only substance, we will conduct an online appointment with our Nurse Practitioner to complete the prescription process. Should your treatment include more than one prescription-only substance, more than one prescription may be obtained in this session.
At this point, your treatment will be provided.

How much do Medical Grade Treatments cost?

The Therapeutic Goods Administration forbids us from advertising the cost of each treatment
we offer. However, it is impossible to provide an accurate estimate of cost prior to a consultation, as it varies widely between individuals, based on:
ï‚·- Existing facial features including wrinkles, lack of volume and muscle strength

ï‚·- Area of the face to be treated
ï‚·- Products used
ï‚·- Expected outcomes
ï‚·- Timeframe
ï‚·- Budget
Medical Grade Treatments are tailored to your specific starting point and goals - this means that pricing for every customer will differ. Pricing will be discussed during your consultation.

What happens if I choose not to go ahead with my Medical Grade Treatment?

If, during your consultation, you decide you would prefer not to proceed, your $50 consultation fee may be applied to another treatment. Depending on the treatment and how much time it requires, this may be completed in the same appointment.

Are Medical Grade Treatments painful?

Some treatments are injected with fine-gauge needles and the degree of pain has been compared to having a hair plucked out. Other treatments, where greater volumes of the product are injected, can be a bit more uncomfortable. In most cases, these products are mixed with a small amount of lidocaine (a common local anaesthetic). Topical anaesthetics can be applied to the skin also. As with all anaesthetics, there may be some tenderness when it wears off. Questions about pain and management will be covered in your consultation, so please raise any concerns.

Do Medical Grade Treatments have any adverse effects?

All treatments carry the risk of adverse effects. The risk is influenced by:
ï‚·- Patient factors (age, skin conditions, some medical conditions, some medication)
ï‚·- Practitioner factors (training and experience)
ï‚·- Premises factors (suitability of the treatment premises).
Amy holds registration in nursing which fully qualifies her to administer Medical Grade Treatments. She works closely with a Nurse Practitioner, as required by the TGA, to ensure substances are appropriately prescribed. Aeon Aesthetics operates to the highest standards of hygiene and infection control protocols.

Adverse effects also depend on the product used. We will discuss the potential adverse effects of your specific treatment with you as part of your consultation, so you are able to make an informed, well-educated decision.

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